
Monday, February 20, 2012

Fabric Covered Cork Board Message Center

My kitchen had this rinky dinky message board, hanging on the desk wall, that never got any love.  Actually, it was a bit of an eyesore and its only purpose was to make me kind of look like I got my shizz together, if you know what I mean.  The fact of the matter is, it looked a mess with all kinds of things just stuck to it.  Besides, when is cork board ever sexy?  Uhh... never.  So I decided it was time to make it new and improved.  It looks so much better now than before.

Here's what it looks like now.  

Here's the before.  I got it for a dollar.  

So basically, I took it apart and sprayed the cork with glue and applied the fabric.  I did the same thing to the grape thingy.  Then, using my Silhouette machine, I created a calendar out of vinyl and stuck that right onto the backside of the glass.  Now I can pin things on the cork side and write on the glass side using a dry erase marker. 

Not bad for a buck eh? 

I am so darn cheap!  I swear I get giddy over this.  I take my leave.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dollar Store Spring Tulip Wreath

We haven't had a proper winter here in southern New Jersey.  I'm not complaining because I'm not much of a winter person, but can I tell you, a girl can get used to 50 to 60 degrees in February.  This is such a stark contrast to last year's snowpocalypse!  All this spring type weather has me chomping at the bit for spring.  I have official spring fever!!! Is it too early though?  Nah.

Ahhh this thing called spring.  The thing that has me watching chick flicks, whistling in my galoshes, and longing for spring break.  The funny thing is I literally just took my Christmas lights down.  Yeah, I'm kind of a hit with the neighbors.

In honor of spring I've created this wreath.

It's made out of dollar store materials!  I bought a wreath form for a $1.70 at the not dollar store and the tulips were all from the dollar store.  I really like the happy colors in the tulips!

Stick the stems directly into this and you'll have yourself a lovely wreath in no time.  YOU'RE WELCOME!  

So basically this wreath is made of a bunch of tulips stuck into and glued onto a wreath form.  I tucked leaves in to cover any bald spots.  It took all of 30 minutes to make and now I have plenty of time to go wax all the hair I grew for winter warmth.  Enjoy!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You're Number One In My Book Bookmark Valentines

My sister helped me put these sweeties together and I couldn't be prouder with how they turned out.  See when I first proposed the idea to her of handmade valentines, she was not too eager to sign up.  As a matter of fact I think her words were more along the lines of "Are you nuts?" or "You know they sell them in stores."  I was in my ADHD mode and decided to proceed anyway.  Being a good little sister like she is, she went along with the plan.  Ha, Ha, Ha!!! (Evil maniacal laughter complete with crazy hand rubbing.)

Omg!  I'm crazy for these!  Even my husband said they were cute.  That's a big deal folks because my husband is a major craft downer!

These are the supplies you'll need for these bookmark valentines:

  • Big finger felt stickers
  • Extra jumbo paper clips
  • Colored card stock (I used Cricut's 6x12 inch cardstock and cut that into fours)
  • Colored paper (I used origami paper because it was thin)
  • Silhouette machine
  • Silhouette sketch pens
  • Glue stick 
  • Red felt
  • White felt
  • Alleens tacky glue

Step 1- Peel the sticker and place it onto the paper clip. Trace the outline of the sticker onto white felt and cut it out.  Glue the white felt onto the other side of the sticker using tacky glue to secure the sticker onto the clip.  You will now have a sturdy bookmark.  

Step 2- Cut different shades of card stock into 3x6 strips and fold those in half.  I made 20, one for each kid in the class.

Step 3- Cut the inside printed liner out of origami paper, or any lighter weight paper, about a quarter inch smaller around the perimeter so that the card stock will show some.  

Step 4-This part is totally up to you but, I chose a cute font on my Silhouette and sketched the words, "You're number one in my book", with the Silhouette pens.  I used different inks to coordinate with the liner colors.  

Step 5- Use a glue stick to attach the printed liner to the card stock.  Then using tacky glue attach the felt heart.  

Step 6- Slide the paper clip bookmark inside the inner page and you're done.

Hey look at that they fit nicely into my old iphone box! 

Ok Here they are once more.  I just adore these little things.  In the meantime my son just shrugged his shoulders when I asked if he liked them. Ugghh!!! Face palm!  I'm so under appreciated!

I know it sounds like a lot of work, but I pinky promise it's not.  I love how these turned out!  Thanks sis.

Nydia 8)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Make A Gum Ball Candy Machine Out of Flower Pots

This cute candy dish is made of a flower pot and a glass bowl.  How simple is that?!  I made one for my son's teacher and I made another one for me.  When I first saw these, I thought awesome something I can make with my limited abilities.  There is really nothing to these.  I think the hardest thing about them is deciding what color to paint them.

They are just darling looking and make a great handmade gift! 

This one stays with me.

First here's what you'll need:

That's one small clay pot, two water collection trays, they're usually found with the pots, one glass bowl, and a little wooden knob.  I found them all at Joann's Fabrics.  I think I got everything to make two of these for under $10 with a coupon.  The paint was free because I had it already.  Oh, I forgot you need Gorilla glue.

Step one: paint everything.

Step two: glue it all together like this.

I just put them together like this without glue to show you how it goes together.  You will need to paint it before gluing it.  

Optional step three: add a decal or a ribbon or whatever you want.  I added vinyl decals made using my Silhouette.

Step four: fill with candy.

Step five: walk around like there's a cape on your back because you, my friend, are a rock star!!!!

Here's another source of inspiration for you, go check this out and give her blog some lovin!

I love the use of the boa!  

Nydia 8)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Free From Scraps Valentine's Day Pinwheel Wall Hanging

I'm still on my Valentine's Day kick as you can see.  This project is another crazy easy one.  I made it out of all those annoying paper scraps left over from using my Silhouette, Cricut, or from plain old scrapbooking.  I'm such a hoarder that I won't throw out the most minute piece of paper.

Yeah, I said it.  I'm a hoarder.  It's clinical really.  I'm done telling people I'm a saver.  I'm through calling myself a collector.  I've even called myself an environmentally conscientious person.  But I know the truth and the truth is I've crossed the line over from innocent pack rat and I've officially taken up residence in Hoardersville.

On a brighter note all this hoarding is saving me money because I don't need to buy supplies as often.  That's a good thing right?  Right!?  Well needless to say these days I'm tighter than a photo finish.  I have some major expenses coming up.  Major!

So back to the project.  I folded strips of paper accordion style and glued the edges together.  Tada- a pinwheel thingy.  I did this four times, each time making the pinwheel smaller.  I glued 8 center circles left over from another project onto the center front and back of the pinwheels to reinforce them.  I glued ribbon along the backs of the pinwheels to hang them.  Last but not least, I used some left over letters, yes I even kept that, I know I'm sick, spelling the word L-O-V-E.

Look, I know this project isn't perfect,neither am I.   My mantra in life is this: If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.  I win!  Plus, remember, I obviously have mental health issues with all the crap I hoard.  Example of things I still keep: Hair- belonging to me, and my children.  Left over from first hair cuts and I kept a long braid from when I cut my hair short.  Eww!  Teeth- tons of baby teeth belonging to my children which served to horrify my best friend.  Nasty!   Bellybuttons- I saved my children's dried up bellybuttons.  Don't judge!  O.K. I'll stop because I'm starting to scare myself.

Nydia 8)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valentine's Day Heart Sketch Print

This weekend as I looked around the house trying to keep myself busy, as if I'm not already busy enough, I came across a spare canvas that I had lying around in my craft closet.  I decided to use my loaf and come up with something Valentine's Day related.  To tell the truth, I don't have too many Valentine's Day decorations up.  With that being said, I took out my Silhouette and let it work its hocus pocus.  It truly is magic.

I had a cute sketch file from Silhouette on my computer and I decided to create this sweet little Valentine's Day print.  
Simple, cute, and free.  Also, it's low calorie. 

Some supplies you will need.  Check out those cute Silhouette sketching pens.  

I took the canvas as such and painted the edges red with some left over acrylic paint.

The sketch was made using the Silhouette sketching pens and some textured card stock.  Those little pens are so easy to use.  They just pop in and that's it. 

I made a "frame" around the sketch using pink textured card stock which I cut in strips.  

I cut some slits into the bottom edge of the "frame" and threaded ribbon through it.  

I attached the whole thing to the canvas with glue.  This was free, no cost, zero dinero.  

End scene.  Bow.  Close curtain.  Exit stage left.

As you can see this was a super easy project that took all of maybe 5 minutes if you bother to thread the ribbon at the bottom like I did.

Nydia 8)