
Monday, January 17, 2011

Timely Time Saver Tip #1

A good friend once told me about the importance of time management.  You see, normally I'm a flake!  I'm the mom who forgets to dress her kids for team spirit day at school.  I'm the mom who has to go out the morning of the game to buy new socks because the laundry didn't get done.  I've even served brinner, breakfast for dinner, when I've failed to go grocery shopping.  In my defense, I'm not careless, I'm super busy and severely ADHD!  I work a full time job as a special education teacher.  I try to work out at least three days a week.  I go out every other Wednesday for a girl's night out.  My son plays two sports at all times.  I keep my home clean and I cook dinner nearly every night.  I have things on my mind constantly and become distracted very easily.  Also, I get very little help from my husband and kids.  God bless them.  

Over the years though, I have tried to compensate for this flaky nature by developing time management techniques that work for me.  Periodically, I will be posting these.  Hey if they help me, they might help you.

Tip #1 

Set everyone's clothes out on Sunday for the entire week.  

Obviously this helps make your mornings go much smoother.  Usually on Sundays we go through our closets and put our outfits together right down to the socks, underware, accessories, etc.  This saves me from getting caught in the morning with no clean clothes.  On Sunday, if we have no socks, then we're still in time to do laundry. 

Once the clothes are off my mind in the morning, I can take my time and have my coffee.  It makes for a smooth morning with no arguments and no little ones calling MOM!


* I like saving time so I can waste time on other frivolous things such as blogging.  Teehee. 

Nydia 8)

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