
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Table I Didn't Need. At All.

The title says it all.  You husband *swoon* bought me a sander and so that prompted a sanding frenzy!  Anything and everything was getting sanded around these here parts.  Problem is, when you sand something you have to refinish or paint it.  Or not.  I'm rambling.  Anyway...I was in search of some Goodwill treasure and came across this dear thing.  Goodwill was asking $15.00 for it!  What are they Neiman Marcus?!  I paid it though, that's how addicted to sanding I was!  Gasp!!  Normally a table like this should cost no more than $7.00. 

Iphone pictures; you've got to love them.  The table wasn't in terrible shape but I wanted more from our relationship.  Plus it didn't match my overall look which I haven't figured out yet.  Hence the blog's name. 
In a harried fit, because it was getting cold out, I took apart the table and painted the legs with my trusty can of oil rubbed bronze. (hearts in my eyes) 

Pedicure courtesy of Rustoleum.  As those puppies dried, I took to sanding the table top.  Apparently this looked ever so fun because my daughter, God bless her, volunteered her slave labor.  I love it when kids find chores fun!

I made her wear a mask.  She sanded that thing for hours!!!  Finally, after what seemed like a week, it was ready to be stained.  Because I know nothing about staining furniture and because I'm super lazy and impatient, I coated the table top with a layer of Minwax in Walnut.  I didn't wipe it off.  It just sat there and dried.  This took an amazing four whole days. 

Luckily it was windy out because it had the potential of becoming a fly strip.  Gross!!!  The planets aligned for me I guess.  Anywho after four long days, I was able to carry that sucker inside and poison my family with toxic fumes display it proudly!

Not too shabby I think.  I'm in love with those gorgeous legs.



  1. It's never about want we need! ha ha
    Cute little side table and great transformation.

  2. Much better than before! BTW I have used your daughter for(slave) labor, too. She helped me paint my chairs which her and Chimo have cleverly signed their names underneath the ones they did. So if you flip the dining room chairs over, you can see which one was their
