
Friday, July 27, 2012

An Earth Friendly Pool House

I've been missing in action and to tell you the truth, the reason has been I just didn't feel like writing.  So what have I been doing lately?  I've been actively supporting my son's baseball team.  I've been having fun with my crazy book club peeps.  I've been teaching myself how to sew.  I've been making more projects, memories, wine, etc.  Here's the latest on the home front, a solar pool house.  I love this thing!  It gives us shelter from the sun, much needed entertaining space, storage, and best of all, it powers my entire house!  Isn't that just peachy?!

My husband is in the solar business and much like the dentist with the bad teeth, the mechanic with the broken down car, and the smoking nurse, we were living without solar panels!  Gasp!   My hubs wanted this situation taken care of but we didn't have enough roof space on our humble abode.  As he patiently explained, our electrical needs far surpassed our panel capacity, so our only option was a ground mount solar display.  CAN YOU SAY UGLY?!!!!  I was like HECK NO!!! Not in my backyard.  Needless to say this put a delay in our green goals.  So, I forgot all about it and I thought he did too... until I came home one lovely day in early May to this.

Can you imagine my carnal anger pleasant surprise?  I yelled  called for my husband demanding  asking what this pleasant surprise would some day look like.  He had drawn out plans and everything.  What a GREAT surprise!  (Eye twitching)  I just about cried because my husband is not the type to complete a house project in a timely fashion.  

The structure was taller than my actual house.  Can I just tell you, I can't keep track of how many neighbors came by asking what in the heck my husband was building.  Seriously, it looked like a hotel was being built behind my house.  Some of them shook their heads in concern and others turned their heads slightly as if they felt sorry for me.    

 This stage was not a happy time for me.  I kept thinking it would never be finished by summer and even if it was, it would look awful!
At this point it was starting to come together and some of the height had been taken down.  I actually started to think this would or could work.  You know, if I had a husband that finished home improvement projects.  

The progress was slooooooow!

Did I mention sloooooooooow?

By this point my husband was starting to get cocky.  He was walking around with a sense of accomplishment.  He was shunning the non-believers.  The neighbors were standing out front saying things like, "I had faith in him all along." and "That Dave sure is a stand up guy." 

Remember when I said my husband was crazy and I was really mad at him and I just about hired a lawyer?  Ok I didn't say all of that but I sure thought it.  Now I just love my new pool house!  Isn't it great to go green?!  

My backyard is pretty much complete thanks to that great man!  

Nydia 8)