
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Book Club And Hunger Games Party

Hi there folks!  Now, I know it’s been a while but I have an excuse!  If you’ve been following me since the beginning, by now you have collected some facts about my life.  These facts include, but are not limited to, my phobic fear of maggots, my special education teaching background, my travel baseball team playing son, my soon to be in college daughter, my husband’s dog –which by the way just passed away and left me completely and utterly heartbroken, and last but certainly not least, the pursuit of my master’s degree!  Needless to say, I have my hands full!!! So while I have absolutely continued making things, I’ve completely put the blog on a back burner.  Could you blame a girl? 

Full disclosure here though, during this hiatus I have started a book club!  Gah!  I’m so excited about it and it’s been soooo much fun!  Our first book was The Hunger Games.  We did all three books in the series and met twice to discuss them.  It was a really fun read and everyone in the group enjoyed it.  Our last book club meeting included décor and food inspired by the book. I even threw in a parting gift!  The parting gift that I made is what I’ll be featuring today. 

So I wanted my book club members to leave with a token of thanks for participating and I wanted it to be personalized.  This is what I was able to come up with. 

They say Book Club on them.

I found these solid mugs at the local dollar store.  They looked sturdy and were cheap enough that I could afford to pick up a few without busting the budget. 

Aren't they sturdy looking?!  Jeesh, they were heavy too!

So, basically there's no genius secret behind this.  All I did was make a template using vinyl and my handy dandy Silhouette machine.  

Over this template I spread a thin layer of glass etching cream.  I cleaned it off and tada instant thoughtful book club hostess gift.  

BY THE WAY... Here's my Book Club party!

Notice the sleep serum, Prim's goat cheese, nightlock berries, and District 11 rolls.  

Did you catch the bread and medicine parachutes? 

Notice the arrow through the apple and the game maker's pig roast.  

We took care to make a sushi memorial for Finnick Odair.  

Check out the Mocking Jay cake my friend Dana made!

We also included President Snow's white roses, Haymitch's wine, and Effie's bowl.  The banner idea came from here

So folks, there you have it.  I haven't quit making things.  I'm just one very busy bee!  

Nydia 8)